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Security Products for vacant or underused properties

Published on August 24th, 2020

It is esti­mat­ed that mil­lions of pounds worth of dam­age is done to emp­ty prop­er­ties through van­dal­ism and arson in the UK. When a prop­er­ty is vacant, it can become an easy tar­get for unau­tho­rised vis­i­tors such as van­dals and tres­passers, often result­ing in cost­ly repairs and much frus­tra­tion.

Due to the events of this year many business premise are either vacant or have a significantly reduced turnover of staff coming and going. It is increasingly important therefore that property is secured with sim­ple deter­rents such as steel secu­ri­ty so you can cost effec­tive­ly pro­tect, man­age and mon­i­tor your valu­able assets.

Why secure your vacant property?

  • Well secured, pro­tect­ed and main­tained vacant prop­er­ties will be less dam­ag­ing to the local com­mu­ni­ty, attract less van­dal­ism, arson and theft, and be bet­ter pre­pared for re-occu­pan­cy or resale.
  • Well main­tained and secure prop­er­ties are low­er insur­ance risks.

What security options are available?

Window Grilles and Steel Window Bars

If you feel you have vulnerabilities with windows providing easy access to your premises then window grilles offer an affordable solution for high and low-level window security.

Perimeter Fencing and Gates

Perimeter fencing is the first point of defence against vandalism and theft. There are a wide range of options available depending on your security needs. Perimeter gates play an important role allowing site personnel on and off the site whilst preventing unwanted intruders.

Security Doors

A steel security door set is an investment in peace of mind that is definitely recommended. Specifying a security door will protect people, property and assets within any building.

If you have security needs which need addressing please take a look at the security section of our website here or email your enquiry to

  • window grilles
  • perimeter gates
  • perimeter fencing

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